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How Important is Sport Massage?

Massage is an essential component of any sports program.. without it muscles do not work at 100% efficiency which leads to restricted joint range of motion which, in turn can decrease your overall athletic peak performance.

5 Benefits of Sport Massage
  1. Athletes fitness performance capabilities will ascend.
  2. Event massage will clear out your waste and toxins enabling an active faster recovery far more than just post event rest. Pre/Inter/Post Event Massage.
  3. When your injured tissue is massage it "heals" with far less scarring.
  4. Does not just have to be for an injury; Sport Massage is much more powerful utilized as a preventative tool. Keeping all of your bodily systems healthy.
  5. Sport Massage will repair your tissue up to 7x faster than just post event rest, therefore preventing injury and or injury re occurrence.

a1 sports massage - rates A1 Sports Massage Rates

Sports Massage

  • 30 minutes - $55.00
  • 60 minutes - $95.00
  • 90 minutes - $145.00

Deep Tissue Release

  • 30 minutes - $55.00
  • 60 minutes - $95.00
  • 90 minutes - $145.00

A1 Sports Massage @ Your Event

@ Your Event - Enquiry Form